# About Project
eweOS is an musl-based, lightweight, general-purpose Linux distribution, which adopts musl libc and busybox to the latest versions of software with a rolling-release model.
# Butter no parsnips
We will use experimental new technologies to implement revolutionary software optimizations on eweOS, while considering adaptation to almost all mainstream architectures. 1
We will deliver multiple releases to cover server, PC, portable and embedded devices, while guaranteeing a rolling release. 2
1. Soon ™ 2. Soon ™
# Features
Get a full list here. / Want more? Please tell us!
# Community
Join us on Matrix:
- Space: #os:ewe.moe
Join us on Telegram Channel/Group:
- Channel: @eweOS
- Developers Group: @eweOS4Dev
- Package News: @eweOSPkg
Subscribe / Join our maillist:
- Developers: [email protected]